KPA_Nairobi Branch organizes varied conferences geared towards exchange of knowledge, presentation of research & ideas, and networking participants within the Pharmaceutical industry and even beyond. These conferences focus on varied scopes of practice within the industry such as; Academia, Community pharmacy practice, Business, Technology within the Pharma industry, Hospital pharmacy practice, Research amongst many others.
We hold various conferences as categorized below:
a). Branch Annual Scientific Conference (BASC).
b). Bi-Monthly Scientific Meeting (BSM).
We hold various conferences as categorized below:
a). Branch Annual Scientific Conference (BASC).
b). Bi-Monthly Scientific Meeting (BSM).

Annual Scientific Conference this year
This year, the Branch held a successful 2 days Annual Scientific Conference on the 26th and
27th of May at the Pride Inn Hotel Westlands. The event attracted over 500 delegates and 20
partners from different organizations. This was an event of its kind where members were
presented with the opportunity to showcase their skills and network with great partners &
colleagues in the industry. At KP_Nairobi Branch, we value partnership and appreciate all our
partners, wellwishers, and our membership who enabled us to make this event a success. It is at
KPA_Nairobi Branch, where it all begins.