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KPA Nairobi Branch

Branch Executive Committee

Our expert staff, and strong volunteer leadership, including many experienced pharmaceutical technologists, allow us to deliver vital leadership to help our members and pharmacy students find success and satisfaction in their work, while advocating for changes that benefit them in various fields of their practice.

The leadership work hand in hand with the general membership and Sub-Committees, to ensure achievement of all set out goals, in a bid to meet the constitutionally set mandate of the branch and by extension that of the entire Association.

Mr. Anthony Mbitu
The Branch Chairman
Mr. Cletus Otieno
The Branch Secretary
Ms. Serah Kisilu
The Branch Treasurer
Mr. Calvin Oyamo
The Branch Organizing Secretary
Mr.Josphat Karuri
The Branch Deputy Chairman
Ms. Lilian Kalunda
The Branch Deputy Secretary
Ms. Purity Njuki
The Office Administrator