Home FAQs

New Members MUST be enrolled with the Pharmacy and Poisons Board, then you apply to the KPA National office to join. You need your academic certificates and Enrollment Certificate from the PPB.

  • Annual PPB Registration for professional license, Ksh. 5000.
  • Premise Licence from PPB, Ksh. 10,000.
  • KPA New Member Registration, Ksh. 9000 Payable at the National office
  • KPA Annual Subscription, Kshs. 4000. Payable at the Branch office

 An applicant with at least a  Diploma in Pharmacy from an Institution recognized by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board.

  • Professional recognition and growth
  • Availability of opportunity for members
  • Social and welfare interaction

KPA_Nairobi Branch awards CPD Points to all participants in the form of Token numbers that the attendees use in claiming their CPD Points for the events attended. The CPD token numbers are shared with all the participants via the email addresses that they provide upon registration into an event.

Ideally; an event is expected to be in the PPB portal within the period in which the event is being held. After the event’s period has lapsed and the event is done, it is also expected to lapse in the portal too. Thus, a participant is expected to subscribe to the event in the portal at the time the event is happening.

All token numbers are scheduled to expire by 31st December at midnight of each calendar year. In case you enter any token number in the claim token section and it indicates Expired/Invalid; then it means that:

  1. The token number entered is wrong.
  2. Some numbers may be missing within the token number. 
  3.  You are entering the token number in a wrong event that is not meant for it.

 Cpd points are the requisite number of points gained upon attainment of knowledge in an in-person or online meeting or a course. As a result, Excess CPD points are not transferable to another person neither are they rolled over to another year. Once gained in a previous calendar year; the points remain just for that particular year. Every new year, it's expected that you will gain other requisite knowledge hence other Cpd points for that new year.

Log into your portal homepage, Click on the CPD icon. While at the CPD page; you will see a search button on the top right, click on it and type the name of the topic of the event you are searching for. You can search using: 

a) The name of the event’s topic.

b). Name of the CPD Provider. 

c). The date the event is being held etc. 

Events are normally available in the portal at the time the event is happening. At this time, all participants are required to subscribe for the event in the portal. Upon searching for the name of the event; you will see two icons in the far right of the event: View details and Subscribe. Click on the Subscribe icon, a drop down page will appear containing the event’s details and a green icon-Subscribe to Event will appear at the bottom. Click on it. Once you click on it; you will see a gray colored message at the top with the following information; You have subscribed for this event. Kindly follow up with the provider for actual registration of the event. This confirms that you have successfully subscribed for the event. You can then click on the Claim token icon to further confirm if the subscribed event appears therein.

Events are normally available in the portal at the time the event is happening. At this time, all participants are required to subscribe for the event in the portal. Upon searching for the name of the event; you will see two icons in the far right of the event: View details and Subscribe. Click on the Subscribe icon, a drop down page will appear containing the event’s details and a green icon-


Subscribe to Event will appear at the bottom. Click on it. Once you click on it; you will see a gray colored message at the top with the following information; You have subscribed for this event. Kindly follow up with the provider for actual registration of the event. This confirms that you have successfully subscribed for the event. You can then click on the Claim token icon to further confirm if the subscribed event appears therein.

Whenever you are unable to find an event under the Claim token section, it only means that you didn’t subscribe to the event in the portal at the time it was available there to subscribe for it. Hence, you will be sent a token number because you attended the event, but you will not be able to claim that token number because the event does not appear in the claim token section. This means that; you shall have lost the claim for that CPD point.

Once you have subscribed for an event; you can confirm whether it is successfully subscribed in two ways:

a). Check in the top page for the following message in gray color:   You have subscribed for this event. Kindly follow up with the provider for actual registration of the event. 

b). Check for the event in the list of all subscribed events under the Claim Token Section.It shall be appearing there.

c). All subscribed events shall appear in the Claim Token Section and shall only disappear from there by 31st December at midnight of every calendar year.

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